Easy online forms, create in few minutes
Use ready made survey templates, get results in graphs and Excel.

Create and custom data graphs of your survey results

BarChart BarHorizontal LineChartFilled LineChart PieChart Doughnut
Education level
Select: all none
Primary school 8 bar1bar2  25%
Secondary school 12 bar1bar2  37.5%
Professional education 8 bar1bar2  25%
University and higher 4 bar1bar2  12.5%
Primary school 8 bar1bar2  25%
Secondary school 12 bar1bar2  37.5%
Professional education 8 bar1bar2  25%
University and higher 4 bar1bar2  12.5%
Total answers 32  

It is Quick and Easy!

  • Create survey

    Use survey templates.
    10 question types and easy to understand survey settings.

  • Collect data

    Invite participants to take a survey via email or post a direct link of your survey in social media.
    Customize the color scheme of the questionnaire, add images and company logo.

  • View results

    Summarized results in ready-to-use graphs and available to download in Excel.

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