Question types

User friendly features and easy to understand question templates.
To collect data, surveys can include 10 different types of questions.
Use Skip Logic to direct respondents to a specific question in the survey and hide irrelevant questions.

Information about respondents
Education level
Include demographic questions about respondents. In case you want to make your survey completely anonymous - leave all fields empty or choose questions that collect general information (e.g., age, gender).
1) Single-choice question (one answer allowed)
Mis on Teie kõrgeim läbitud haridustase?
Use this question type if only one answer option is allowed.
2) Multiple-choice question (many answers possible)
Lähima kolme aasta jooksul tahaksin rohkem tähelepanu pöörata: (many answers possible)
Use this question type if more than one answer is allowed.
You can also define the maximum number of answers (e.g. please select maximum 3 answers).
3) Open text question
Milliseid väärtusi väärtustatakse sinu meelest tänapäeva ühiskonnas?
Give the respondents more flexibility by simply typing their answer in the text box.
4) Rating scale
Arvan, et söön igapäevaselt piisavalt tervislikku toitu:
Ei ole nõus     Olen nõus
Rating scale allows to measure the level of attitudes. You can define the scale values (for example: like-dislike; agree-disagree, high - low) and choose the scale size (up to 15 grades).
5) Answer matrix
Palun hinnake koolitust
 Väga hea Hea Keskmine Halb
Koolitaja sooritus    
Koolitaja teadmised    
Ettevalmistatud esitlus    
Välja jagatud materjalid    
Evaluate several factors using the same measurement scale.
Examples of the measurement scales: never-sometimes-often-always; poor-average-good-outstanding; yes-no-don't know.
6) Hierarchy question (arrange answers from 1 to ..)
Hinnake, mida hindate kõige rohkem oma elus (1 - kõige tähtsam; 8 - vähima tähtsusega.)
  Füüsiline atraktiivsus
  Võim (ühiskondlik staatus)
This question requires ranking answer options based on the level of importance or preference. Assign the first place for the most important and the last place for the least important answer.
7) Question with images as answer options
Millises ruumis sooviksite, et üritus edaspidi toimuks?
Ask a question and use images as answer options. Additionally, it is possible to define how many answer options can be indicated.
8) Date question
Millal Te käisite viimati erialastel koolitustel?
Use this question to receive an answer in the date format, i.e., to find out the date of birth of the respondents.
9) Information field
This allows to provide your respondents with a useful information in a free text format (e.g. to inform that the first part of the survey has been completed; or thank your respondents at the end of the survey).